

Patient Stats:
Male, 54-year-old, software engineer.

Lower back pain for four years, intermittence. In the past 2 months the pain increased and sometimes radiated to the thigh on both sides, and could not stand long and had sedentary. The examination of M.D. showed a slipped disc between 4 and 5 lumbar vertebrate. After taking painkillers for two weeks, the situation showed no significant improvement, so the M.D. suggested him acupuncture.

Chinese Medicinal Assessments:
Physical examination: lumbar paravertebral tenderness 3,4 and 5, positive straight leg raising test on both sides. Tongue: light color and teeth mark, and coating was thin and white. Pulse: Deep and slightly slippery.

TCM Diagnosis: lower back pain, bi syndrome. Syndrome: spleen and kidney yang-deficiency type stasis. Treatment: tonify kidney and spleen yang to expel dampness, and clear the meridian.

Treatment: acupuncture 22.04, 22.05, 77.18, SP7, SP6, BL65 and other points. Patient felt 90% relieved after treatment. The pain disappeared after two weeks of treatment. This showed clinical cure. He came back once after two months and has had no recurrence.





治療:補腎助陽,健脾化濕,通經活絡。治療:毫針刺靈骨、大白、腎關、漏谷、三陰交、束骨等穴。治療一次後病患自覺疼痛有 90%明顯緩解。再持續治療兩週,疼痛消失,臨床治愈,兩個月後回診一次,無復發現象。

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